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Steel structure is superior to ordinary reinforced concrete structure

  • 2019-07-30
  • 254

Compared with ordinary reinforced concrete structure, the steel structure has the advantages of uniform quality, high strength, fast construction speed, good seismic resistance and high recovery rate. From the aspect of destruction, the steel structure is in advance has the big deformation omen, belongs to the ductile destruction structure, can discover the danger in advance, thus avoids.

Compared with other constructions, steel structure has advantages in use, design, construction and comprehensive economy.

The first point: steel structure is made of section steel and steel plate through welding, bolt connection or riveting engineering structure, compared with other construction, in use, design, construction and comprehensive economic aspects have advantages, low cost, can move at any time.

The second point: compared with traditional buildings, steel structure houses or factories can better meet the requirements of flexible separation of large Spaces on buildings. By reducing the section area of columns and using light wall panels, the utilization rate of area can be improved, and the effective indoor usable area can be increased by about 6%.

The third point: energy saving effect is good, the wall adopts light energy saving standard c-shaped steel, square steel, sandwich board, heat preservation performance is good, seismic resistance is good.

Fourth, the steel structure system used in residential buildings can give full play to the ductility of the steel structure, strong plastic deformation capacity, with excellent anti-seismic and anti-wind performance, greatly improve the safety and reliability of the housing. Especially in the case of earthquake, typhoon disaster, steel structure can avoid the collapse of buildings.

Fifth, the total weight of the building is light, the steel structure of the residential system weight is light, about half of the concrete structure, can greatly reduce the basic cost.

Sixth: the construction speed is fast, the time limit is at least one third shorter than the traditional housing system, a 1000 square meters only 20 days, five workers can be completed.

Seventh: environmental protection effect is good. Steel structure residential construction greatly reduces the amount of sand, stone, ash, the material used is mainly green, 100% recycled or degraded materials, in the demolition of the building, most of the materials can be reused or degraded, will not cause garbage.

The 8th: with agile, abundant. Large room design, indoor space can be divided by multiple schemes, to meet different needs of users

The 9th: accord with the requirement of housing industrialization and sustainable development. Steel structure is suitable for mass production of factories, high degree of industrialization, and energy saving, waterproof, heat insulation, doors and Windows and other advanced products set in one, complete application, design, production, construction integration, improve the level of the construction industry.



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